ITIL Service Review Report Template

by Rahulprasad Hurkadli

The ITIL Service Review Report is an important document that helps evaluate and assess the quality of IT services within an organization. It provides a structured approach to review service performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions on service delivery.

In this article, we will discuss a free downloadable ITIL Service Review Report template that simplifies the process of creating a comprehensive report. This template is designed to streamline the review process, making it easy to gather the necessary data and present it in a clear and concise manner.

What is ITIL Service Review Report?

The ITIL Service Review Report is a document that summarizes the performance and effectiveness of an IT service. It is a comprehensive review and evaluation of the service, which includes feedback from customers, key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets, service level agreements (SLAs), and any other relevant metrics.

The ITIL Service Review Report typically includes the following sections:

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of the report's content and major findings.
  • Introduction: Provides background information about the service and its purpose.
  • Scope: Defines the scope of the review and the timeframe covered.
  • Objectives: Specifies the objectives and goals of the service review.
  • Review Methodology: Describes the approach and methods used in conducting the review.
  • Review Findings: Presents the findings of the review, including performance against KPIs, SLAs, customer satisfaction ratings, and any significant incidents or changes.

Importance of Service Review Reports in ITIL

Service Review Reports are an important component of the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework. These reports play a crucial role in improving service delivery and ensuring that the IT services meet the needs and expectations of the customers.

  • Identifying areas for improvement: Service Review Reports provide insights into the performance of the IT services, helping to identify areas that need improvement. By analyzing data and feedback from customers and stakeholders, organizations can identify problems or bottlenecks in the service delivery process and take appropriate actions to enhance service quality.
  • Continuous service improvement: Service Review Reports support the concept of continuous service improvement (CSI) in ITIL. These reports provide evidence-based information about the effectiveness and efficiency of the IT services. By reviewing these reports, organizations can identify trends, patterns, and recurring issues, allowing them to make data-driven decisions for enhancing service performance and meeting customer expectations.
  • Customer satisfaction measurement: Service Review Reports help in measuring customer satisfaction and understanding their perception of the IT services. By gathering and analyzing feedback from customers, organizations can identify areas where they are meeting or exceeding customer expectations, as well as areas where improvements are needed. 
  • Accountability and transparency: Service Review Reports provide a means of holding IT service providers accountable for their performance. By documenting the performance of the IT services and sharing it with relevant stakeholders, there is transparency and visibility into the quality of service being provided. 
  • Decision-making and resource allocation: Service Review Reports provide valuable information for making informed decisions regarding resource allocation and service improvement initiatives. By having a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the IT services, organizations can allocate resources effectively to address any identified issues or areas that require improvement.

Benefits of using a Template for ITIL Service Review Report

  • Standardization: Using a template ensures that the format and structure of the service review report are consistent across different teams and departments. This makes it easier to compare and analyze the performance of different services over time.
  • Time-saving: Templates eliminate the need to start from scratch every time a service review report is required. This saves time and effort, allowing ITIL practitioners to focus on analyzing the data and generating valuable insights.
  • Improved quality: Templates often include pre-defined sections and prompts that guide ITIL practitioners in capturing relevant information for the service review. This helps ensure that all important areas are covered and no critical information is missed.
  • Easy collaboration: Templates can be easily shared and distributed among team members, facilitating collaboration and ensuring that all necessary contributions are captured. This enables more accurate and comprehensive service reviews.
  • Consistent documentation: By using a template, ITIL practitioners can ensure that all service review reports follow the same format and contain consistent information. This helps create a standardized documentation practice across the organization.
  • Ease of customization: While templates provide a consistent structure, they can also be customized to fit the specific needs of the organization or the service being reviewed. This allows for flexibility while maintaining a standardized approach.

Best Practices for Conducting a Service Review

  • Start with specific objectives: Clearly define the purpose and goals of the review. Identify what aspects of the service you want to evaluate and what you hope to achieve through the review process.
  • Gather feedback from multiple sources: Collect feedback from various stakeholders, including customers, employees, and management. This will provide a comprehensive perspective and yield diverse insights.
  • Use a structured approach: Develop a framework or set of criteria to assess the service performance. This could include factors like timeliness, effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and compliance with service level agreements.
  • Evaluate both quantitative and qualitative data: Utilize a mix of quantitative data (such as customer survey results, performance metrics, and financial data) and qualitative data (such as customer feedback, employee interviews, and observations) to gain a holistic understanding of the service.
  • Benchmark against industry standards: Compare the service being reviewed to established industry benchmarks or best practices. This will provide context and help identify areas for improvement and potential gaps in performance.
  • Gather input from frontline staff: Involve employees who directly interact with customers to get their firsthand experiences and insights. They often have valuable knowledge about customer needs, pain points, and potential improvements.


Using a free ITIL Service Review Report Template can be highly beneficial for organizations. These templates provide a structured format for assessing service performance and can improve the quality and efficiency of IT services. They also save time and resources by eliminating the need to create templates from scratch. Overall, utilizing an ITIL Service Review Report Template helps organizations monitor and enhance their IT service delivery.