COBIT BAI06.03 - Track And Report Change Status

by Abhilash Kempwad


COBIT BAI06.03 Emphasizes the importance of tracking and reporting change status within an organization. This specific control objective is crucial for ensuring that changes to the organization's systems and processes are appropriately documented, monitored, and reported on. By following the guidelines outlined in COBIT BAI06.03, organizations can effectively manage and mitigate risks associated with changes, as well as maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Tools And Methods For Tracking Change Status In COBIT BAI06.03

Tools And Methods For Tracking Change Status In COBIT BAI06.03

Below are the key points to understand about COBIT BAI06.03:

1. Change Management Framework: COBIT BAI06.03 provides a framework for managing changes within an organization. This includes defining change management processes, roles, and responsibilities and establishing criteria for evaluating and approving changes.

2. Change Tracking Tools: COBIT BAI06.03 emphasizes the importance of using tools to track changes throughout the change management process. These tools can include software applications that automate the change tracking process and provide real-time visibility into change status.

3. Status Reporting: One of the critical aspects of COBIT BAI06.03 is the requirement for regular status reporting on changes. This includes tracking the progress of changes, identifying any issues or roadblocks, and providing updates to stakeholders on the status of change initiatives.

4. Change Control Board: COBIT BAI06.03 recommends the establishment of a Change Control Board (CCB) to oversee the change management process. The CCB is responsible for reviewing and approving proposed changes, ensuring that changes align with organizational goals and objectives, and resolving any conflicts or issues that may arise during the change management process.

5. Documentation And Auditing: Another essential aspect of COBIT BAI06.03 is documenting all changes and conducting regular audits to ensure compliance with change management policies and procedures. This includes maintaining comprehensive records of change requests, approvals, and implementation activities.

6. Continuous Improvement: COBIT BAI06.03 emphasizes continually improving the change management process. This includes conducting post-implementation reviews to assess changes' effectiveness, identifying improvement areas, and implementing corrective actions to enhance the change management process.

Significance Of Tracking And Reporting Change Status In Managed IT Changes COBIT BAI06.03

Tracking and reporting change status is essential to ensure that all changes are properly documented, approved, and implemented to minimize disruptions to business operations. By keeping track of each change's status, organizations can identify any potential risks or issues that may arise during the implementation process and take proactive measures to address them.

Moreover, tracking and reporting change status provides transparency and accountability within the organization. It allows stakeholders to have a clear understanding of the progress of each change and ensures that all parties involved are informed and updated on the status of the change.

Additionally, tracking and reporting change status helps organizations evaluate the success of the change management process and identify areas for improvement. By analyzing the data collected through tracking and reporting, organizations can identify trends, patterns, and areas of inefficiency that need to be addressed to enhance the change management process.

IT Governance Framework Toolkit

Guidelines For Implementing COBIT BAI06.03

Here are some key points to keep in mind when implementing COBIT BAI06.03:

1. Understand The Importance Of Business Continuity: Business continuity is essential for organizations to ensure that they can continue operating in the event of a disaster or disruption. By implementing effective business continuity management processes, organizations can minimize the impact of disruptions and maintain business operations.

2. Identify Critical Business Processes: When implementing COBIT BAI06.03, it is essential to identify the critical business processes that need to be protected in the event of a disruption. This will help organizations prioritize their business continuity efforts and allocate resources effectively.

3. Conduct A Risk Assessment: Organizations should conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities that could impact their business continuity. By understanding the risks they face, organizations can develop more effective business continuity plans.

4. Develop A Business Continuity Plan: Based on the results of the risk assessment, organizations should develop a comprehensive business continuity plan that outlines how they will respond to and recover from disruptions. This plan should include clear roles and responsibilities, communication strategies, and recovery procedures.

5. Test And Update The Plan Regularly: Once a business continuity plan has been developed, it is essential to test it regularly to ensure that it will be effective in a real-world scenario. Organizations should also periodically review and update the plan to account for changes in their business environment and new threats.

6. Involve Key Stakeholders: When implementing COBIT BAI06.03, organizations should involve key stakeholders from across the organization in the planning and implementation. By engaging with stakeholders, organizations can ensure that their business continuity efforts are aligned with the goals and objectives of the business.

Reporting Change Status To Stakeholders Emphasizes In COBIT BAI06.03

When implementing changes within an organization, it is crucial to keep stakeholders informed about the progress and status of those changes. Stakeholders can include internal stakeholders such as management, employees, board members, and external stakeholders such as customers and partners.

Reporting change status to stakeholders ensures transparency, accountability, and effective communication throughout the change process. By keeping stakeholders informed, organizations can build trust, manage expectations, and address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Reporting change status to stakeholders involves providing regular updates on the progress of the change, any challenges or obstacles encountered, and any decisions or actions taken to address them. It is essential to tailor the information to different stakeholder groups' specific needs and interests, ensuring that the information is clear, concise, and relevant. 


In summary, implementing COBIT BAI06.03 to track and report change status is crucial to IT governance. By adhering to this process, organizations can effectively monitor changes, assess their impact on operations, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Companies need to prioritize the implementation of this control objective to enhance their change management practices and mitigate potential risks.

IT Governance Framework Toolkit