COBIT DSS03.03 - Raise Known Errors

by Rajeshwari Kumar


The COBIT framework is considered a gold standard for ensuring effective management and control of IT processes. Specifically, the COBIT DSS03.03 process, which focuses on raising known errors, plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and reliability of IT systems. By systematically identifying, documenting, and addressing known errors within the IT environment, organizations can minimize disruptions, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall service quality.

Effective Strategies For Raising Known Errors Within The Organization In COBIT DSS03.03

Effective Strategies For Raising Known Errors Within The Organization In COBIT DSS03.03

  1. Establish Clear Error Reporting Procedures: One of the first steps in effectively managing known errors is to establish clear and efficient procedures for reporting and documenting these issues. This may include creating a centralized error reporting system, providing guidelines for employees on how to report errors, and ensuring that all relevant information is captured in the reporting process.
  1. Encourage a Culture of Transparency: In order to effectively address known errors, it is important to foster a culture of transparency within the organization. This means encouraging employees to report errors without fear of reprisal, and creating an environment where open communication about errors is encouraged and valued.
  1. Prioritize Known Errors Based on Impact: Not all known errors are created equal, and it is important for organizations to prioritize the resolution of these issues based on their potential impact on the business. By categorizing known errors according to their severity and potential consequences, organizations can ensure that resources are allocated to address the most critical issues first.
  1. Implement Regular Error Reviews: To effectively manage known errors, it is important to conduct regular reviews of these issues to monitor progress and identify any new or emerging issues. By establishing a regular cadence for error reviews, organizations can ensure that known errors are being addressed in a timely manner and that new issues are identified and resolved promptly.
  1. Monitor and Measure Progress: In order to gauge the effectiveness of their efforts to manage known errors, organizations should establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure success. By monitoring and measuring the resolution of known errors, organizations can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to their error management processes.

Implementing Improvements Based On Raised Known Errors For Managed Problems In COBIT DSS03.03

  1. Identify and document known errors: The first step in implementing improvements for Managed Problems is to accurately identify and document known errors. This includes capturing information such as the nature of the error, the impact on services, and any workarounds that have been implemented. By maintaining a comprehensive database of known errors, organizations can effectively track and prioritize their resolution efforts.
  1. Analyze root causes: Once known errors have been identified, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis to determine their root causes. This may involve reviewing incident records, service logs, and other relevant data sources to identify patterns and trends. By understanding the underlying causes of known errors, organizations can develop targeted improvement strategies to prevent recurrence in the future.
  1. Prioritize improvements: Not all known errors will have the same level of impact on services or business operations. It is important to prioritize improvement efforts based on factors such as the severity of the error, the frequency of occurrence, and the potential impact on critical business processes. By focusing on the most critical known errors first, organizations can maximize the impact of their improvement efforts.
  1. Develop improvement plans: Once known errors have been prioritized, organizations can develop detailed improvement plans to address them. This may involve implementing technical fixes, updating documentation, providing training to staff, or making process improvements. By developing clear and actionable improvement plans, organizations can ensure that known errors are effectively addressed in a timely manner.
  1. Monitor and evaluate progress: Implementing improvements based on raised known errors is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and evaluation. Organizations should track the progress of their improvement efforts, measure the impact on service quality, and adjust their strategies as needed. By continuously monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of their improvement initiatives, organizations can ensure that known errors are being effectively managed and resolved.
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Best Practices For Addressing Known Errors For Managed Problems In COBIT DSS03.03

  1. Identification of Known Errors: The first step in addressing known errors is to identify them. This involves keeping track of all reported issues and categorizing them based on their frequency and impact on the system.
  1. Prioritization of Known Errors: Once known errors are identified, it is essential to prioritize them based on their impact on business operations. This ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly, minimizing disruption to the system.
  1. Root Cause Analysis: Understanding the root cause of known errors is crucial for preventing recurrence. Conducting a thorough analysis helps in identifying underlying issues and implementing permanent fixes.
  1. Documentation: Documenting known errors and their resolutions is essential for maintaining a record of past issues and their solutions. This information can be valuable for future reference and continuous improvement of the system.
  1. Change Management: Implementing changes to address known errors should be done through a structured change management process. This ensures that changes are thoroughly tested and approved before being deployed to the production environment.
  1. Communication: Transparent communication with all stakeholders is key to effectively addressing known errors. Keeping all parties informed about the status of known errors and their resolutions helps in managing expectations and building trust.
  1. Monitoring and Review: Continuous monitoring of the system post-resolution is crucial to ensure that known errors do not resurface. Regular reviews of past issues help in identifying recurring patterns and implementing preventive measures.

Monitoring And Reporting On Raised Known Errors For Managed Problems In COBIT DSS03.03

Here are some key points to consider when monitoring and reporting on raised known errors for Managed Problems in COBIT DSS03.03:

  1. Establish a clear process for documenting and tracking known errors: It is essential to have a standardized process for documenting known errors, including detailed information about the error, its impact on IT services, and the steps taken to resolve it. This information should be stored in a centralized repository for easy access and tracking.
  1. Set up regular monitoring and reporting mechanisms: Regular monitoring of known errors is essential to track their status, prioritize resolution efforts, and identify trends or patterns that may indicate underlying issues. Reporting on known errors should be done on a regular basis to keep stakeholders informed of the progress being made in resolving these issues.
  1. Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance: Establishing KPIs related to known errors can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of error management processes. Metrics such as mean time to resolution, number of known errors closed per week, and customer satisfaction ratings can help IT departments track their performance and identify areas for improvement.
  1. Implement a feedback loop for continuous improvement: It is important to solicit feedback from stakeholders, including end users, IT staff, and management, to identify areas for improvement in the management of known errors. By incorporating feedback into ongoing improvement initiatives, IT departments can enhance their error management processes and ensure better outcomes for the organization.
  1. Leverage automation and technology tools: Technology tools such as incident management software, ticketing systems, and monitoring tools can streamline the process of monitoring and reporting on known errors. By automating routine tasks and leveraging advanced analytics capabilities, IT departments can improve the efficiency and accuracy of their error management processes.


Implementing the COBIT DSS03.03 framework to raise known errors is essential for maintaining a secure and efficient information system. By following best practices and guidelines outlined in this control objective, organizations can effectively address and resolve known errors in a timely manner. By prioritizing the identification and resolution of errors, businesses can minimize disruptions and improve overall operational performance.

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