What Is The Importance Of Product Burndown Chart Template?

A product burn down chart is a visual representation of the work that needs to be completed and the progress towards completion. This type of chart can help you understand what tasks need to be accomplished and how much time it will take to complete them.

Template Details:

  • The product burndown chart greatly relies on estimates made by team members, so it should only show "the best-guess" for project completion dates.

  • The product burndown chart is used to manage the features and functional requirements of a product, which are described as user points.

  • These are represented in a bar chart (unlike the usual line burndown chart), where the Y-axis is the number of points left for completing the product, and the X-axis represents the number of sprints/stories in the product’s lifecycle.

Features Of Product Burndown Chart Template:

  • Y-axis represents the number of points left for completing the product.

  • The X-axis represents the number of sprints/stories in the product’s lifecycle.

  • It is simple to add/remove functionality or features in the bars, represented as points.

Product Burndown Chart

burndown chart excel
Product Burndown Chart
Product Burndown Chart Excel

Product Burndown Chart

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