ITIL Configuration Item (CI) Record Template

by Rahulprasad Hurkadli

An ITIL CI record template helps organizations manage and track IT infrastructure items. It provides a standardized format for recording information about each item, including unique identifier, name, description, owner, location, version, and relationships. It also captures installation date, warranty info, support contacts, and documentation links. This template streamlines configuration item management, allowing for informed decisions, issue troubleshooting, and change planning. 

Understanding the Importance of ITIL Configuration Item (CI) Records

  • Asset management: CI Records provide a comprehensive overview of all IT assets within an organization, including hardware, software, and network devices. They help create a centralized repository of information about these assets, including their attributes, relationships, and dependencies. This information enables effective asset tracking, inventory management, and control.
  • Change management: CI Records are essential for change management processes. They provide valuable insights into the impact of proposed changes on various IT assets and their associated relationships. This helps in assessing risks, planning change activities, and ensuring minimal disruption to services. CI Records also support the rollback process by providing a baseline configuration state if the change results in issues or failures.
  • Incident and problem management: CI Records aid in incident and problem resolution by facilitating faster identification of affected assets and their related dependencies. When an incident occurs, having accurate CI Records enables quick assessment of the potential causes and helps identify the best course of action for resolution. The information contained in CI Records also assists in identifying patterns and trends for recurring incidents, contributing to proactive problem management.
  • Service management: CI Records are fundamental to service management practices. They provide a clear understanding of the relationships and dependencies between different IT assets, ensuring that the impact of changes, incidents, and problems on services can be effectively evaluated. This information helps in defining service-level agreements (SLAs), identifying critical assets, and measuring service performance and availability.
  • Configuration management database (CMDB) maintenance: CI Records serve as the backbone of the CMDB, which is a central repository storing all CI information. Accurate and up-to-date CI Records ensure the reliability and integrity of the CMDB. The CMDB is a crucial resource for IT service management processes and acts as a reference for decision-making, analysis, and reporting.

The Benefits of Using a Well-Defined CI Record Template

  • Standardization: A well-defined template ensures consistency and uniformity in capturing information about CI records. It establishes a common format and structure that everyone follows, making it easier to search, analyze, and compare different records.
  • Improved accuracy: With a template, users are prompted to provide all the necessary information about a configuration item, leaving no room for missing important details. This leads to more accurate and complete records, reducing the chances of errors or misunderstandings.
  • Time-saving: Templates help streamline the process of creating and updating CI records. Users can simply fill in the relevant information without the need to recreate the structure each time. This saves time and effort, especially when dealing with a large number of configuration items.
  • Enhanced visibility: A well-defined template ensures that essential information about a CI is recorded consistently and is readily accessible to anyone who needs it. This improves visibility, allowing stakeholders to quickly understand the attributes, relationships, and dependencies of a particular configuration item.
  • Better decision-making: Detailed and well-organized CI records facilitate informed decision-making processes. By capturing key information such as version number, status, owner, and related documentation, a template assists in assessing the impact of changes, identifying risks, and planning for future updates or upgrades.
  • Simplified auditing: Compliance with regulations and standards often requires detailed documentation of configuration items. A CI record template helps meet these requirements by providing a structured approach to record-keeping, simplifying audits, and ensuring that necessary information is captured for reporting and accountability purposes.

Key Components of a CI Record Template

  • Project information: This section includes details about the project, such as the project name, date, and team members involved.
  • Objective: Here, you outline the main objective or goal of the project. This helps to provide context and focus for the CI record.
  • Scope: This section defines the boundaries and extent of the project. It identifies what is included and what is excluded from the project.
  • Stakeholders: This part lists the key stakeholders involved in the project and their roles and responsibilities. It may also include information about any external stakeholders that need to be considered.
  • Deliverables: This section identifies the specific deliverables that will be produced as part of the project. It outlines what will be produced, by when, and who is responsible for each deliverable.

Tips for Effectively Using the CI Record Template

  • Familiarize yourself with the template: Take some time to understand the structure and layout of the CI record template. This will help you navigate through it and find the information you need easily.
  • Fill in the essential details: Start by entering the essential information such as the name of the company or individual, contact details, and a brief description of the CI project or initiative.
  • Gather and include all relevant information: Include all relevant information related to the CI project, such as the objectives, stakeholders, timeline, budget, and resources needed. This will ensure that all important aspects of the project are documented.
  • Use clear and concise language: While filling in the template, use clear and concise language to describe the various components of the CI project. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be difficult to understand for others who will be accessing the template.
  • Provide an overview of the project: Start by providing a brief overview of the CI project in the template. This will give readers a quick understanding of the project's purpose, scope, and importance.
  • Update the template regularly: As the CI project progresses, make sure to update the template with the latest information. This could include changes in timelines, resources, or any other relevant details. Keeping the template up-to-date will ensure that it remains a valuable resource for tracking the project's progress.


In conclusion, implementing a comprehensive Configuration Item (CI) Record Template can greatly accelerate IT service management processes. By having a standardized template, organizations can effectively manage the information related to their IT assets and configurations.

Comprehensive CI Record Template provides a consistent structure to capture all necessary details about each CI. This includes information such as CI names, attributes, relationships, and dependencies. With a standardized template, IT teams can easily identify and track CI data, which leads to improved visibility and understanding of the infrastructure.