COBIT 2019 Certification Cost

by Nash V


COBIT 2019 stands as a globally accepted framework that has been meticulously crafted by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). The framework serves as a guiding light for the effective governance, management, and control of enterprise IT. At its core, COBIT 2019 encapsulates a holistic framework that not only enhances IT processes but also aids in aligning IT strategies with overall business objectives.

COBIT 2019 Certification

COBIT 2019 certification thus serves as a testament to an individual's or organization's prowess in proficiently implementing and managing the tenets of the COBIT framework. Obtaining COBIT 2019 certification involves mastering the core principles, concepts, and practices outlined in the framework. This certification journey typically includes comprehensive study of COBIT principles, attending training sessions, and passing the COBIT certification exam. The exam evaluates your ability to apply COBIT principles to real-world scenarios, demonstrating your competence in effective IT governance and management.

Diverse Avenues of COBIT 2019 Certification

The realm of COBIT 2019 certification is diverse, catering to a plethora of professional roles and responsibilities. Key certifications include:

  • COBIT 2019 Foundation: This introductory certification is focused on establishing a solid understanding of the foundational concepts, principles, and components that constitute the COBIT framework.
  • COBIT 2019 Design and Implementation: Suited for professionals seeking a more in-depth exploration, this certification delves into the nuances of designing and seamlessly integrating a governance system based on the COBIT framework.
  • COBIT 2019 Assessor: Tailored for individuals tasked with process assessments, this certification equips them with the skills required to effectively evaluate process efficacy utilizing the COBIT framework.
  • COBIT 2019 Navigating Change: This certification serves as a guide for professionals navigating through transformational changes, ensuring that their organizations adeptly adapt to and align with the principles of the COBIT framework.
IT Governance Framework Toolkit

Factors Shaping COBIT 2019 Certification Cost

The financial outlay associated with COBIT 2019 certification is influenced by an array of factors. The confluence of these factors, intricately linked with the chosen certification level and preferred learning approach, creates a dynamic tapestry that shapes the overall cost:

  • Certification Level: The complexity and profundity of the chosen certification level wield a significant impact on the financial investment required. Foundational certifications tend to be more economically accessible in contrast to advanced certifications like Design and Implementation or Assessor.
  • Training Provider: The choice of training provider emerges as a pivotal determinant of the overall cost. While ISACA, the framework's creator, offers training programs directly, authorized training partners also provide courses, each with its unique pricing structure.
  • Training Format: The format of training—be it traditional in-person classroom sessions, immersive virtual instructor-led training, or self-paced online courses—directly influences the cost. Traditional classroom training might entail additional expenditures such as travel and accommodation.
  • Study Materials: COBIT 2019 certification invariably necessitates study materials encompassing textbooks, practice exams, and supplementary resources. The associated cost of these materials can fluctuate contingent on the provider and its offerings.
  • Exam Fees: Each certification tier mandates successful completion of an exam. Exam fees fluctuate based on the specific certification level and the individual's ISACA membership status.
  • Membership Status: ISACA members often avail discounts on certification exams and associated training. The decision to become a member warrants consideration, factoring in the potential cost savings tied to membership.
  • Retake Fees: In scenarios where the initial exam attempt proves unsuccessful, retake fees may be applicable for subsequent attempts.

Estimating the Financial Outlay

To provide a preliminary estimation, let's delve into the potential costs associated with attaining COBIT 2019 Foundation certification:

  • Training Course: The financial investment in a COBIT 2019 Foundation training course may range from $500 to $1000, hinging on factors such as the provider and chosen format.
  • Study Materials: The acquisition of study materials, encompassing textbooks and practice exams, could incur a cost of approximately $100 to $150.
  • Exam Fee: Exam fees for COBIT 2019 Foundation certification vary between ISACA members and non-members. Non-members might anticipate an expenditure of roughly $250, while members are entitled to a reduced fee in the vicinity of $150.
  • Membership Fee: Should one not be an ISACA member, the cost of joining the association might range from $135 to $185 annually, contingent on geographical location and membership type.
  • Supplementary Costs: These might encompass additional outlays linked to travel expenses for in-person training and the potential fees tied to retaking the exam in case of an initial unsuccessful attempt.


Securing COBIT 2019 certification represents a judicious investment for both individuals and organizations striving to elevate their IT governance and management practices. While the financial outlay associated with certification is subject to fluctuation based on an array of factors, the benefits of augmented skills, heightened knowledge, and expanded career avenues remain undeniable. In the pursuit of a COBIT 2019 certification journey, meticulous research and strategic planning concerning the associated costs are instrumental in ensuring a seamless and gratifying experience. It is pivotal to acknowledge that the costs delineated within this blog post serve as estimates and may encounter variations based on the distinct circumstances and choices of each individual or organization.

IT Governance Framework Toolkit