ITIL Change Classification Template

by Rahulprasad Hurkadli

ITIL is a framework for managing IT services, including change management. Classifying changes is an important step in this process, helping organizations prioritize and allocate resources effectively. We offer a free ITIL Change Classification Template to assist with this process.

The template provides predefined categories and criteria to assess the impact, urgency, and complexity of each change. By using this template, organizations can streamline their change management process, identify high-risk changes, and improve the stability of their IT services. 

Understanding the Importance of Change Classification in ITIL

  • Risk assessment: By classifying changes, ITIL enables organizations to assess the level of risk associated with each change. This allows them to prioritize changes based on their potential impact on services, infrastructure, and operations. High-risk changes can then be subjected to more rigorous testing, review, and approval processes, ensuring that suitable controls are in place to minimize the impact on business operations.
  • Change prioritization: ITIL change classification enables organizations to prioritize changes based on their urgency and business impact. This ensures that critical changes or those that can significantly improve service quality are given precedence over lower-priority changes. By managing the change pipeline effectively, organizations can allocate resources and manpower appropriately to address priority changes first.
  • Change management efficiency: By classifying and categorizing changes, ITIL promotes consistency and standardization in the change management process. It allows organizations to define clear roles, responsibilities, and procedures for handling different types of changes. This, in turn, enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of change management by providing clear guidelines and reducing ambiguity.
  • Communication and stakeholder management: Change classification provides a structured framework for communicating changes to stakeholders. It allows organizations to tailor their communication and engagement strategies based on the impacted parties and the nature of the changes. This ensures that stakeholders are adequately informed about upcoming changes, their potential impacts, and any necessary actions they may need to take.
  • Continuous improvement: By classifying and analyzing changes, organizations can derive valuable insights into patterns, trends, and recurring issues. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement in processes, technology, and service delivery. By systematically analyzing changes and their outcomes, organizations can drive continuous improvement and drive efficiencies in their IT operations.

The Benefits of Using a Change Classification Template

  • Consistency: A change classification template ensures that all change requests are classified and categorized in a consistent manner. This consistency helps in making informed decisions and taking appropriate actions on the change requests.
  • Ease of use: Having a predefined template makes it easier and quicker for users to classify changes. It provides a structured format that guides users through the process of classifying changes, ensuring that all essential information is captured.
  • Improved communication: A change classification template enhances communication among stakeholders involved in the change management process. It provides a common language for discussing and referring to different types of changes, making it easier to understand the nature and impact of each change request.
  • Better decision making: By using a change classification template, change evaluators and decision-makers can quickly assess the potential impact and risks associated with a change request. This enables them to make timely and well-informed decisions regarding whether to approve, reject, or defer the change.
  • Enhanced prioritization: Classifying changes into different categories allows for better prioritization of change requests. It helps in identifying high-priority or critical changes that require immediate attention and resources, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently.
  • Reporting and analysis: A change classification template facilitates reporting and analysis of change management data. By classifying changes consistently, organizations can gather meaningful insights and identify trends or patterns in the types and frequencies of changes, enabling them to make data-driven improvements to their change management processes.

Introducing the Free ITIL Change Classification Template 

  • Change Category Classification: The template includes predefined change categories to ensure consistent and accurate classification. These categories cover major areas of IT operations, such as hardware, software, infrastructure, and security.
  • Impact Assessment: The template prompts users to assess the impact of each change by considering factors such as system availability, functionality, and performance. This assessment helps us prioritize changes based on their potential consequences.
  • Risk Evaluation: The template guides users through a risk evaluation process, allowing them to identify and analyze potential risks associated with each change. This evaluation assists in determining the appropriate level of scrutiny and control for each change.
  • Change Priority Assignment: Based on the impact assessment and risk evaluation, the template assists in assigning a priority level to each change. This helps us allocate resources and prioritize changes based on their urgency and importance.

How to Use The Template Effectively

  • Understand the template: Read the template thoroughly to understand its purpose, structure, and elements. Identify which sections are customizable and which are not.
  • Tailor the template to your needs: Modify the template to align with your specific requirements. Customize the text, design, and formatting according to your preferences. Remove any irrelevant sections or add new ones if necessary.
  • Focus on clarity and simplicity: Ensure that the template is easy to read and understand. Use clear and concise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Organize the information logically and make it visually appealing, if applicable.
  • Simplify complex templates: If the template appears overwhelming or complex, break it down into smaller sections or steps. Focus on one part at a time and gradually build on it. This helps to prevent confusion and facilitates a more efficient use of the template.
  • Be consistent: Maintain consistency throughout the template. Use the same formatting, font, and style for headings, subheadings, and body text. Consistency helps to create a cohesive and professional document.
  • Proofread and edit: After customizing the template, carefully review it for any errors, grammatical mistakes, or inconsistencies. Editing ensures that the template is error-free and presents accurate information.

Incorporating the Template Into Your ITIL Change Management Process

  • Review your current change management process: Understand how change requests are currently managed in your organization. Identify any gaps or areas for improvement.
  • Customize the template: Tailor the template to suit your organization's specific needs. Include relevant fields such as change type, requestor information, impact assessment, risk analysis, and implementation plan.
  • Define change categories: Establish a clear set of change categories to classify different types of changes.This will help in accurately assessing the impact of each change and assigning appropriate resources.
  • Train staff on the template: Provide training to the change management team on how to use the template effectively. Ensure they understand the purpose of each field and how to accurately complete them.
  • Integrate the template into your change management tool: If you have a change management tool, customize it to incorporate the template. This will streamline the change request process and make it easier to track and manage changes.
  • Communicate the use of the template: Inform all stakeholders, including IT staff, business users, and management, about the new template and its significance in the change management process. Highlight the benefits of using the template for improved efficiency and transparency.


The ITIL change classification template is crucial in managing and categorizing changes in IT service management. It helps prioritize and manage changes effectively, reducing incidents and improving service delivery. The template can be customized to fit organizational needs and offers an easy-to-use tool for accurate classification. It enhances change management practices, promotes standardization, and improves efficiency in IT service management.